+44 (0)20 3137 5399 / +33 (0)1 8288 4771

Ice diving

from/per person 115 


The Tignes-Val d’Isère area is full of natural wonders. Among them, the natural lake of Tignes 2100 which puts on its coat of ice for the winter season. Thick from 1 to 2 meters, the ice forms and reforms every day to offer simply magical games of light and shadow.

Supervised by a qualified diving instructor, set off on a unique adventure with complete confidence in the town where the famous film The Big Blue was shot (scene under ice in Peru)!

Ice diving is accessible even for a first dive!

No diving experience is necessary.

Photo (c) Andy Parant


Schedule Info
Location Evolution 2 diving spot on the edge of the lake, in Tignes le lac, next to the Lagon.
 Date Tuesday 18/3 - Wednesday 19/3
 Time 3:00 pm - Duration 1 hour including 15 minutes underwater.

€ 115 / £ 97 pp

The time slot that will be assigned to you will be specified on the voucher that will be given to you on site upon your arrival.

All diving equipment provided.

You equip yourself warm! Provide: tights, thick socks, technical underwear and towel (for long hair). Gloves and cap for after diving.

Booking this option in advance on our site is strongly recommended. Limited places ! In case of reservation on site with our Customer Service: +10€ (subject to availability)